Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Homeschool Family...

Well, it's about that time...time to open up those new text books, sharpen those pencils, and put the thinking caps on. Yep, school will be starting again for us soon. Less than two weeks to be exact. It's always hard to start back after a great summer but also kind of exciting in a way. Erin and I are seniors this year so there will be a lot going on such as Advanced Math, Chemistry, and other good stuff like that. :)
Check out this cute video about another home school family! :OD


  1. I love this video! It was going around on the email a while ago, and our family couldn't stop laughing. :) We almost have it memorized. LOL

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey, That looks just like my family.I laughed so hard. I even put it on my blog. LOL
    Hannah Tucker

  4. LOL! Great video... seems like ages since I was homeschooling... watching this makes me miss it SO much! LOL :P

  5. Haha, I have seen that video before, and I love it! It cracks me up.
    I start school tomorrow.

  6. Thank you all for stopping by! :)
